Kamil Ciesiński        05 lipca 2014        Komentarze (0)

Since a few months there are new rules of the legalization of stay foreigners in Poland. A lot of changes were introduced in the definitions which are used by the Act, for example in the naming of permits issued on the basis thereof, and so:

  • permit to settle in the new Act has been replaced by the permanent residence permit,
  • residence permit for a specified period of time in the new Act has been replaced by the temporary residence permit.

The legislature also introduced several subtypes of temporary residence permits, including:

  • a temporary residence permit and work permit,
  • a temporary residence permit for the purpose of economic activity,
  • a temporary residence permit for the purpose of studies.


It is also important that new Act introduced the possibility of obtaining by foreigner temporary residence permits and work permits in a single procedure by which the Voivode issue a decision which legalized foreigner’s stay in the Poland and at the same time gives him the right to take up employment. So far, the work permit can be gained only through a separate proceeding, by the principles laid down in the Act on employment promotion and labor market institutions.

Entry into force of the new Act on Foreigners, was associated with the introduction of the transitional provisions. The legislature decided that the uncompleted administrative proceedings initiated on the basis of previously existing Act, will be consider in accordance with the provisions of the previous Act on Foreigners of 13 June 2003.

Due to changes in the names of the types of permits introduced by new Act it was decided that the residence permits for a specified period of time and permits to settle which granting will end administrative proceedings conducted under previous Act on Foreigners at the date of their issue will be adequately temporary residence permits and permanent residence permits. They therefore correspond to the definitions introduced by the new Act.

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