Soon it will be two months since when the new Act on Foreigners came into force , this is a good time to summarize the most important changes that have been introduced by new provisions:
1. Any foreigner who submit an application for:
- a long-term EC’s resident’s permit,
- a temporary residence permit, a permanent residence permit ,
- a permanent residence permit,
- first Residence Card,
- a tolerated stay permit temporary residence permission
is required to share his fingerprints (with the exception of children of less than six years old).
2. As a result of point 1, application should be submitted personally by foreigner. If application will be submitted by someone else, foreigner will be summoned to appear in person within 7 days to share his fingerprints under pain of leaving the application without making of decision.
3. New application for a temporary residence permit may be submitted at the last day of foreigner’s legal stay in Poland. Foreigner has the right to stay in Poland in the period from the day of submission of application until to the time of issuance new decision.
4. In addition to temporary residence permit foreigner may apply for Residence Card. It is special identity document. On the basis of Residence Card and passport (it is necessary to have got both of this document jointly) foreigner is entitled to travel in the Schengen Area without visa. Residence Card is valid as long as a temporary residence permit. When foreigner submits application for new permit he receives a stamp on the base which he can legally stay on the territory of Poland to the time of recognizing his application. But he can’t travel without visa (with the exception of visa-free travel) in the period between expiration of temporary residence permit to the issuance of new permit and new Residence Card.
5. Foreigner may file application for a single residence and work permit. In this matter Voivode will issue one decision which entitles a foreigner to legally stay and performing work on territory of Poland. Therefore, there has been issued a new model of application for a temporary residence permit, which takes account of these changes.
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