With effect from 1 May 2014 entered into force a new Act on Foreigners. It introduces big changes in the process of legalization of foreigners stay in Poland. One of the news is the obligation to collect the fingerprints of an foreigner applying for:
- a long-term resident’s EC’s residence permit,
- a temporary residence permit, a permanent residence permit ,
- a permanent residence permit,
- first Residence Card,
- a tolerated stay permit.
The introduction of this procedure in some way reduces the action of attorneys in cases of the legalization of stay of foreigners. Now it is necessary a personal appearance of the foreigner to the proper office. He should be present at the time of filing of application, if this requirement is not fulfilled, Voivod will call foreigner to appear in person within seven days, under pain of leaving the application without making of decision.
So, it is a past a time, when all formalities, including a visit to the office and filing an application, were made by attorney, and the foreigner appeared only to receipt the decision.
If you are planning to submit an application in the near future please contact the appropriate Voivodship Office and find out if system of supporting of taking of fingerprints is already working, not everywhere it has been implemented. Maybe thus you will not have to go to the office two times.
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